When I rise in the morning I know that somewhere between 5:30 AM and 10:30 PM I’ll see my bed again. Some days that time can’t come soon enough. Other days I’d like to stretch those hours to be so much longer than they are because there is so much to fit inside of them! King David said it best in Psalm 89:47, “Remember how short my time is…” Time is a stealer of life. I can hear the tick, tick, tick of my office clock passing seconds of my life right now! AGH!
I’ve learned one thing about time in the last five years. It runs out before you can complete all the dreams you have planned. God’s beginning and ending plan for our lives is totally in His hands, not the hands of a surgeon, a drunk driver, or a disease. Doing all we can to prolong our life and be healthy is good, but it’s not putting you in control. The sooner we learn to deal with that truth of life the more peace we’ll experience.
So what are you doing with the TIME you have left? If you had 10 years to live what would you do? Would you take a trip around the world or bungee jump off a high bridge? If you knew you had five years would you do things with more urgency than you are now? What if you knew you only had today? How would that impact you? What would be at the top of your bucket list of things to do before you die? My hunch would be that the list would change quickly.
Your lifetime is a God-given gift; what you do with it is a reflection of how much you love Him. Have you thought about that today? Do the things you have planned for this evening reflect your love for a God Who gave His only Son for you? Or do they reflect a selfish person who likes to plan their own schedule and do their own thing? Don’t give me that, “I’m so busy” line either. I would like you to put your busyness up next to God’s original plan for this day and see how that stands up. We create our busyness and then make it impossible for God to fit in.
The clock is ticking. What are you doing with your life that reflects your Creator? Tick-tick-tick……..