Soothing Words

The Bible speaks of honey
often in Old Testament stories. Like in Proverbs where honey is likened to the
words we speak. Proverbs 16:24 says, “Pleasant words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.”
I have been spoken to with
words that felt like honey on my soul. I remember my grandmother soothing me
after a certain trying situation. I will never forget the tenor of her voice and
the calming words she said.
Other times I have been the
recipient of the bee sting of words that pricked my soul. Those words hurt and
pummeled me with accusation to the point of making me want to run away. I
remember thinking I would never forgive that person for saying those words to
me. Thank goodness I learned about forgiveness from my Savior. In my pride, I
think that I’ll never use piercing words with anyone, but in reality I know I
God, wash my mouth out with
the sweetness of words like you say to me so that I can say words that heal others.
Help me not to use words of accusation as swords that hurt others. Keep my
tongue from becoming a tool of retribution and pride. Create in me a clean
heart (Psalm 51) and renew a right spirit in me. And may my actions and words
be those that soothe and heal. Amen!
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