Monday, December 19, 2011

Holidays: Friends or Foes?

When my kids were little I longed for the days when we could mess up the kitchen with Christmas cookie making and then fun crafts. It usually happened during winter break or when we got snowed in. It was fun, creative, tiring, and rewarding all at the same time. Today, my children are grown up with teenagers and busy schedules to occupy their time. Finding even two hours to spend doing something creative or fun has to be slid in between gymnastics, basketball practice, weightlifting, and band concerts. Are these the new ‘fun’ activities of contemporary times?

Everyone seems to have periods in their lives which are considered the good ol’ times. I think my grandkids are in the middle of their good ol’ times. They enjoy their events, the practices, and the challenges on multiple levels. They may not be itching to put on their snow pants and slide down a hill, but they’re doing what they enjoy. There’s nothing wrong with that!

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a stickler for staying in the past, that’s for sure. I love being up-to-date technologically and keeping up with my grandkids’ gadgets, events, and schedules. The pace may be faster than when I was a kid, but hey, what hasn’t gotten faster since then?

I think I’ll kidnap a few of the kids over the holidays and take them back a few years to Christmas cookie making and crafts that are just plain fun in my book! It may seem old-fashioned to them, but I find it relaxing and enjoy seeing what kinds of cookie shapes they come up with and what crazy crafts we can make. My house will be a mess, but who cares? It’s worth it to spend some quality grandma time with them.

I could be an old Scrooge during the holidays because the kids don’t have a lot of time to spend with me, but I don’t think that helps anybody’s situation. I enjoy what I enjoy and I try to enjoy what they enjoy, too! Does that make any sense?

So keep your cool during this year’s celebrations. Remember to think beyond yourself and consider others’ schedules, not just your own. Put on a genuine smile, reflect on all God has given you: His Son’s birth, your family, and your friends. And show everyone His love. You’ll find that you will enjoy the holidays even more!

Monday, December 12, 2011

High Stress Holiday - Taking the easy way out

This is the time of year when stress levels run extremely high. It’s a time when family relationships teeter on the brink of disaster and loneliness is the number one killer.
I’d like to talk about that last one.

This past weekend my sister tried to kill herself…again. Taking large amounts of Vicodin severely damaged her liver and almost ended her life. She did this once three years ago.

What brings a person to that ledge and entices them to look over? Is it all an emotional decision or can some of it be attributed to circumstances or choice? Does the person in that state of mind have a clue of the ripple effect of their choice? If I only had all the answers I could help my sister. I could recommend she read this self-help book or go see this other psychologist who seems to know what they’re talking about. But when I reflect on these possibilities, I honestly don’t think either is the answer.

What keeps me from losing my mind and making really terrible decisions is a close relationship with a loving, understanding Father in heaven. I’m not being cliché about this at all. I’ve sat many hours listening to a psychologist try to talk my sister down from this latest episode and I’m concerned she’s being fed the wrong information. Our circumstances don’t cause us to lose touch with reality and make bad choices. When we believe the lies that satan is trying to feed us and when we do not have a relationship with the One who has all the answers, we lose sight of what is really important in life! That’s how we really go off the deep end.

We need to focus on the One who created us and cares for us more than an identical twin sibling or even our parents. He is the living, never sleeping, ever-present God of creation who knows us inside and out and loves us with an undying love that is unmatched. He’s ALL of these things!

If you’re being attacked by the demons of depression right now, shut down your computer, get down on your knees, and get back in touch with the Father of Light, God himself. Read His Word with a passion like a thirsty camel. Drink it in! Seek Him! Stop believing all that satan wants you to believe. God CAN and DOES change lives if they seek Him!

            “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will
            be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds,
            and to him who knocks it will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8