Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Impossible Feats!

My grandkids and I play a game called Impossible Feats. Other than my weird sense of humor, I have no idea where I come up with these things! The results are often so hilarious I wonder if I just encourage the kids to humor myself or to really compel them to attempt the impossible.

Impossible Feats involves the children trying to accomplish something with their bodies that I think is impossible. For example, try to walk using only your forearms, not your hands, feet, or knees. Or try touching your elbow to your forehead. Now be honest: you’re attempting these feats right now! HA!

Some of the feats are truly impossible and others can be done but the children have never tried before. I think that is the purpose of the game. When someone is pushed to try something new, they can either just say they can’t do it. Or they can give it a try no matter what the results are!

Impossible Feats reminds me of a missions trip I led overseas. One young lady on the trip had never flown on an airplane before. She was a basket case. Her mother tried to console her before getting on the plane and her new friends on the team tried to make her comfortable, but she was inconsolable. I think she would have cancelled had we not begged her to stay. When the plane took off, I looked back at her white-knuckled grip on the plane seats and her wild-eyed expression. I immediately started praying!

Upon arriving in Detroit after a short, 30-minute flight, she was a totally different person. “I don’t know what the big deal was,” she said. “There was nothing to it!” Isn’t that amazing? The one thing she was totally scared to death of became nothing to be afraid of. I think the impossible feat of flying was a first step for this young lady. I’ve seen her step out and try many other things since that trip. She’s now a wonderful wife, mother, and church worker. She is an overcomer!

Is there something looming in your future that seems impossible? Maybe it’s completing college or taking a step toward missions or trying out a new career. Who is making you think it’s impossible? I think that’s called fear; satan is a master at instilling fear in people. But let me present you with another word that overcomes fear. Faith will help you take that step, make that hard decision, become that person you need to be. Today, right now, turn that impossible feat into a step of faith! You will be amazed at the freedom you will experience and the joy it brings!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Is Your Life Just a Vapor?

“Surely every man at his best state is but vapor.” Psalm 39:5

I recently read an article and watched a short video about Lima, Peru, and how the humidity or mist over the city is so thick every day you can hardly see through it, but yet it never rains there. It’s dry and the land is parched. There is no clean water in the cities and children get diseases from polluted streams. How could scientists help this country?

Some bright students discovered that they could take the mist above the city and, through different processes, create clean water from it. They created billboards high in the sky that gathered the mist every day to produce gallons of clean water for villages. What an amazing idea!

Now, take that same idea and apply it to Christians. If we compare ourselves to the mist above Lima, only we hold life-giving eternal water, how can we help nonbelievers receive that life? Some of us would say it’s not our problem and everyone has to find God in their own way. But I disagree with that theory.

I truly believe we all have a purpose on this earth. As a believer in Christ, my purpose should be to go into the world to preach the Gospel and be a witness. But if I just remain where I am and don’t make contact with anyone to tell them about Jesus, what good am I? My vapor, or life, will end and I will have not served the purpose for which I was created.

I don’t view myself as just a vapor that disappears without making a difference! I view my life as one with purpose. If I can offer life giving eternal water to a thirsty or parched neighbor or a stranger, I should be doing just that! The brevity of life should be a wake-up call for Christians—not a death sentence! Make your life count for Christ. Use the short time you’re here to be purposeful in your relationship to people and to God. Don’t just be a vapor!