Thursday, July 31, 2014

Grand Promises: Part 1

After my husband died in 2006 I made a decision to begin creating lasting memories with my grandkids. I decided to ask them where they wanted to go in the US and when they turned 16, take them there one at a time. It seemed like a simple idea when I first thought of it. But as with any good plan hind-sight is 20/20.

First, I took my oldest granddaughter to Washington, DC. We toured the great monuments, ate in fine restaurants, and laughed a lot. We had a good time, but I’m sure she would have rather brought along someone her own age. I learned that sharing stories about your past is not what teenagers are into hearing. Live and learn!

The second granddaughter couldn’t make up her mind where she wanted to go so we’re still in the holding pattern with her.

Then I got the bright idea to take four grands at a time. (Insert extremely long pause here so you can imagine what I was about to get myself into.) I could actually stop writing right here and let you take your imagination to whatever level suits you. I’m sure you could come up with vivid stories of your own to amuse and humor yourself, but let me give a little reality check to the situation. 

  • taking four grandkids ages 10, 15, 17, and 18 in a 23-foot motorhome for 13 days. 
  • going from Michigan to the Grand Canyon and 11 states in between, amounting to 5300 miles.
  • that they are brothers and sister!

Yep, now you’re getting the picture.

I don’t think I have laughed so much, bit my tongue so hard, lost my cool grandma status so often, or been so tired in my entire life during those 13 days. It’s taken me two weeks to even write anything about it!

Caption #1 – SO MANY PICTURES!!!
I have more than 1200 pictures taken by my right-hand navigator granddaughter, consisting of every turn in the road where the mountains created a new vista or the rock color changed, or the river ran alongside the road in a different direction. I have pictures of every cloud formation you could think of, and hundreds of landscapes plus 30 or so selfies—mostly of her! These kids had never been west of Chicago, so this vacation was truly a journey for them. (Stay tuned for more about our Wild West Adventures!)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Reading Secret!

I often tell my grandchildren not to take for granted the freedom they have to worship. They have great Christian parents who love the Lord and are bringing them up to do the same.

But, not all children around the world are in that same situation. You would think that parents would be more civil about allowing children to worship, but not this little chap from England.  Here is his true story as told by a friend in a recent email to us.

The little boy is, we believe, saved, and would love to be baptized, but his mum has, in the last couple of years, apparently renounced her faith and won’t allow her husband to pray at mealtimes or read Bible stories with the children. He isn’t even allowed to read his own Bible in the house! Our friend is just about allowed to bring the 2 children along to Sunday school. However, the little boy is very keen to read Keys for Kids and his dad has told us he reads it secretly every morning and then hides it under the bed so his mum is none the wiser.

THIS is why Keys for Kids Ministries exists. It’s why we work long hours preparing our materials to be the best they can be whether it’s our radio dramas, our devotionals, or our internet presence. They all make a profound impact on children around the world.

Your gift to this ministry will help us reach children just like this little boy, who longs for the Truth of Scripture. Please give today by clicking the “Donate Now” button. You never know who is waiting to hear the Truth!