Monday, January 3, 2011

I give up!

Caught your attention didn’t I?
Here are some things I could give up:

     Friends who fail me

     Family members who disappoint me

     Work that overwhelms me

However, these are not the things I choose to give up. I choose to keep the friends who fail me as a way to learn forgiveness and patience. I take disappointing family members as opportunities to show the kind of agape love God shows for me. And I tend to not give up on work because it actually energizes my creativity and sparks forward movement. No, I won’t be giving up on any of these things soon.

What I choose to give up:

     That stinky negative attitude that creeps in when I’m weak

     The unlovely part of my character that strikes out at unsuspecting subjects

     Those feelings of failure that tend to bring me to the edge of “enough is enough”

Heavenly Father, I want to give up all those things that make me unlovely to you and to the ones I’m commanded to reach. I want my light to be brighter, my spirit to soar sweeter, my radiance to reflect your glory! I want all the things of my life that make me undesirable to drop like a weight that is unchained. I want You to be the governing factor of my entire life. The one who gives me purpose, strength, and courage to continue. I ask that you be those things for me today, Father!

So what do you need to give up?


Patti said...

I believe God knew just what I needed today! Thank you Lord for speaking to me through Terre K. Ritchie! I pray He is the governing factor of my entire life! Thank you, Jesus!

Anonymous said...

Yep, that same negative attitude that creeps in when I’m weak

Allowing my tongue (and volume) too much control when I get upset at my children

My independent attitude for a totally dependent on the Lord attitude

My lack of belief that I deserve what I believe everyone else does and believe it for my own life as well

Please pray for healing (physical and emotional), provision from the Lord, and for a breaking of strongholds that will allow my life to turn back upright because it's upside down right now...also for healing from depression.

Charlotte/For Such A Time As This said...

Yes, you caught my attention! Nice job...there are probably a lot of things I should give up, and other things I should take up...I'm praying for the wisdom to know the difference between the two:)

Great post!