God’s ability to dispel the fear that Satan tries to implant is amazing. When you least expect it, God displays His love for us that covers fear like a large, warm quilt on a cold winter day.
A fear that may rule in your home is that of the unknown. Many people do not venture outside the walls of their home to accomplish God’s purpose for their lives because of the fear that they will not be able to handle the things they do not understand or like or even know about. Opportunities come and go to be on church evangelist outreaches, participate in mission’s trips, or help others in some way. These chances are quickly pushed away because of the fear of the unknown. We tell ourselves, “They certainly don’t need me,” “I have nothing they could use on this trip,” and various other excuses we contrive.
It’s been my experience that you can conquer the fear of the unknown with love. That’s right, love. It’s a strange concept but Paul tells us otherwise.
This kind of love is shown when you can comfort a distraught person who has lost their home and everything dear to them in a flood or tornado. When you can help rebuild their house and make it into a home again. It’s the type of love that you give when you hold a child who has no parents and longs for a hug, a smile, and some compassion. It’s putting your arm around a widowed mother who is left to raise her children alone. These types of love can only come from a holy God and be shown through you giving it out to those around you. You become the conduit of an Almighty God. You, being used in ways you never thought of and couldn’t even imagine. You, receiving the blessings of a lifetime through these experiences of using love to conquer fear.
God’s love can easily help us overcome fear because we are directing our love at someone else. We’re not centered on what we’re afraid of, but instead we’re focused on using the power of His love to take us out of our comfort zone into the ministry zone. So as we look further into what we’re afraid of in part 3, don’t be surprised to find that the end of your fears leads to working in the field which leads to amazing blessings!
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