Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I’m Determined to…

Oh, how we promise ourselves things. We say we’re going to live more economically, get out of debt, give more, lose weight, be a better communicator and listener, but often, they’re just words. Sometimes we forget what we’ve promised ourselves before the day has even ended!

What are you determined to do? What is that one thing that you know in your heart you would like to accomplish? I’m not talking about getting stuff or obtaining prestige. I’m talking about something that will count for eternity in your spiritual life.

I remember as a young mother there was absolutely no way I had time to sit down and read the Bible—or so I thought! I always put other events in front of the most important one, communication with my Savior. Why did I do that? Well, I had a good excuse. After all I had four kids, I gardened to keep my family fed, I sewed clothes for them, worked in my church as kitchen chairman, and was a deacon’s wife. What more could God ask of me?

Of course I neglected to mention how many times I lost my temper, grumbled through a day, complained about something or other, just because I was not in communication with my Creator! Yes, that’s what happens when you let Bible time slide into circumstances
Along the way I learned some valuable lessons that I only realized as an older adult. That the dishes will always be there, the floor will always need to be swept, the children will always require my attention, and the church will survive without my constant attention. Oh glory! Did I just say that? Yes, I did and I mean every word of it.

In the grand scope of life there is nothing, I repeat NOTHING that should take the place of your devotion time with God. Creating a space in your 24 hours for the person who molded you into who you are, gave you precious gifts, and placed in you the talent, personality, and characteristics that make you uniquely you is a must. Not a faint, barely audible promise but a must. Like breathing or eating or being loved must be on your daily calendar, so must the reading of His Words to you.

Shove everything else aside today and do it. In reading the Bible today, determine to see how much He loves you and cares for you and sees your every need. It’s so much longer lasting than a diet!
                Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one
another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. –Colossians 3:16-17

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