Friday, May 24, 2013

The Pity Party

As a transparent ministry leader, I can tell you that some days here are not that great or even much fun. Some days I just want to close my door, turn off the lights, sit down, and have a pity party for myself. Really, God, I have to go through times like these?

Maybe there are plans we’ve worked on for weeks that suddenly fall through. Or unexpected expenses that are difficult to pay. And then there are always the creative ideas you believe are excellent, but they get shot down in the leadership team meeting. That one is a killer! But (and I know God invented that word for a reason) I know it’s just my negative human spirit and the whisper of Satan that’s telling me I’m not appreciated or don’t have a clue how to be a leader. Has any other leader ever felt this way? Truthfully?

I can’t control circumstances or stop expenses from happening. And I can’t keep creativity from working overtime in my head with ideas that could possibly expand this ministry. So what’s the answer to this conundrum?

Jesus said in John 16:33, “In this godless world you will CONTINUE to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.” That’s the kick-in-the-pants I needed! Looking at everything from God’s perspective surely changes ours. His plans done in His time, and His way—now that’s peace, not a pity party.

So I’m leaving my door open, pouring over my Bible, and facing the day no matter what it brings. Keeping my eyes focused on the prize instead of my conceived inabilities or circumstances. I truly believe that is the God-honoring way to lead. (And I’m booting pity out the door!)

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