Monday, December 16, 2013

GO Tell it on the Mountain!

Have you ever stopped to think about all the action in the Christmas story? There is so much going on that makes me want to get up and go!

First, Mary and Joseph TRAVELED to Bethlehem. What a journey that must have been on a donkey! Then Mary DELIVERED baby Jesus. That really took some effort and strength!

But it’s the shepherds that amaze me. To be out on that dark countryside and all of a sudden have an angel standing before you…WHOA! That must have either scared them or surprised them at the presence of such a heavenly being. Maybe it was a little of both.

It says that after they heard the message they CAME WITH HASTE. How fast is haste anyway? I think they ran! Of course, they couldn’t leave their sheep out there in the countryside alone so they must have had to hurry the sheep along with the men in the middle of the night.

Then there is the part about after they saw baby Jesus. It says they MADE WIDELY KNOWN the things they had seen and heard. I can only imagine them going through the streets of Bethlehem telling everyone they met about Jesus. He’s here! The Savior has been born! Now that’s the kind of action that excites people.

How about you? Have you gone with haste to tell anybody about Jesus this year? Have you made widely known to anyone the news of your Savior’s birth? I think God put all this action into the Scriptures to give us a great example of how it should be done. TELL EVERYONE and DO IT QUICKLY! I want to be like those shepherds this year. I don't want fear to cause me to miss something great that God has planned for me to experience. I want to GO and TELL!

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