Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Get Out of the Way!

Every time I step inside the Word, I find answers to my many questions. One recent message was “Get out of the way!”

Our Lord desires to be seen in us and through us. His hands reach out to help others and His love shines on the darkness in people’s lives. We should be the transparent vehicle used to make all this happen.

In Luke 18:9-14, Jesus tells a parable about the proud Pharisee who prayed not to be like other men, even the lowly tax collector bowing next to him in the temple. The tax collector was quietly submitting himself to Christ’s will for his life. Which one was being transparent and getting himself out of the way so Christ could be shown?

Sometimes we are the problem. We refuse to change our opinion or move our judgmental selves out of the way so God can work in and through us, which is exactly what the Pharisee did in this parable.
In Matthew 23, Jesus said to the crowds and to His disciples: The Pharisees and the teachers of the Law are experts in the Law of Moses. So obey everything they teach you, but don’t do as they do. After all, they say one thing and do something else.”
The Pharisees were hypocrites who saw nothing wrong with applying God’s laws to others but not to themselves. Maybe you don’t intend to say one thing and do another, but if you’re honest you must admit that it happens.
 So make up your mind today to get yourself out of the way so God can work in and through you. Don’t let a hypocritical attitude or stubborn spirit stop God’s mighty work from being done. As your spirit changes, so will your heart and love toward others.

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