Friday, January 31, 2014

Things TO BE before I die countdown: #9 Be able to be broken for Christ.

#9: Be able to be broken for Christ.
I’ve always loved the story in Mark 14 about the woman who anointed Christ’s head with the expensive flask of fragrant oil. It says that she broke the flask to pour out the oil. Usually, when we have something of value, we put it in a place of honor or guard it carefully so it won’t get broken.

My favorite part of this story is when the flask is broken and out spills a beautiful fragrance. Shouldn’t that be true of our lives, too? God is looking for a vessel that is willing to be broken for His Kingdom work. He wants us to use our most precious gifts and talents for Him.

The Proverbs 31 woman was considered far above rubies (Proverbs 31:10). First Peter 3:4 says, “Rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God” (NKJV). He regards souls that are turned toward heaven as very precious. If Jesus is your Savior, you are very precious in His sight and He created you to be used up.

In the last two weeks I’ve attended two funerals of two uncles in my family. One uncle was saved but was known as a penny-pincher. I think that separated him from some of the other relatives. The second uncle was one of the most giving individuals I’ve ever met. He was giving of his time, himself, his service to others, and his funds. Not that he was rich, but he was blessed by God to have this character. The difference in those two gentlemen was obvious. Think about your own legacy. Will you be known as a vessel that was broken and spilled out for others, your church, your friends, and your family?

Oh God, open our eyes to be used for Your glory! You know us inside out, every gift, talent, ability, characteristic, and personality. Please help us to be willing and open to be used up!

#9   Be able to be broken for Christ.

#10  Be a sacrifice with my life, talents and gifts.

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