Friday, May 23, 2014

A God Moment – Part 2

As we sat in the parked car in the driveway while the paid babysitter inside the house watched our four children, Tom talked me through the plan of salvation, God’s righteousness, His love for me, and His grace and mercy. He explained to me what spiritual gifts were and what talents God had given me. I slowly began to understand what my relationship to Christ was and what Christianity was all about.

God had something for me to do that didn’t just involve work in the church, it involved me growing in the knowledge and understanding of who God was and what He desired of me. Tom saw gifts and abilities in me that I could not see.

Before that night was over I would realize:
1.      I was saved for sure!
2.      I had a lot of Bible study to do, like learn what spiritual gifts are.
3.      God had a plan for our lives. I didn’t know what that was yet, but I was beginning to listen.

Two weeks later we went to Tom’s parents’ house in Flint, Michigan for a week. As a pastor of a small church, Tom’s dad invited two evangelists to lead a daily vacation Bible school. Every night I would watch one of them play instruments, tell stories with flannel graph, and do ventriloquism. I was spellbound. The children were all held in rapt attention as she spoke. Her gentle spirit led them all the way to Jesus! I felt something moving deep in my soul, but I had no clue what it was.

Each evening after putting my kids to bed in Tom’s folks’ house, I would go back next door to the church and ask the evangelist if I could play the crystal glasses and cowbells. She was very gracious and gave me a short demonstration on how to play each instrument.

I began first with the glasses that made music by rubbing your finger around the top to make the crystal vibrate. They were tuned by putting water into the goblets and removing it to make the notes sharp or putting more water in to make the notes flat.

The set of cowbells were set up like a piano with black and white keys. They were loud but you could make melodies by playing harmony with two or three bells at a time. She stood amazed as I began playing them like I had been doing it for 20 years! She would name a song and I could play it. It was like I had a natural ability to do this; it was as natural to me as breathing.

(To be continued.)

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