Monday, May 12, 2014

A Baby Just Like Ours

When my oldest son was born he was a chubby baby at 10 pounds 4oz! This is funny because now he’s a truck driver and he uses those numbers all the time…10-4 good buddy!

Our closest friends had given birth to a beautiful baby girl named Cheryl just a few months before us. She had huge blue eyes, curly reddish hair, and a smile that melted my heart. We often talked about getting them together when they were older and then we could be related—that’s how close we were.

Unfortunately, Cheryl was born with a hole in her heart, so she was not as healthy as our little guy.
Just about the time Cheryl was learning to walk, the doctors decided it was time to fix that hole, so they scheduled her surgery at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. We prayed with our friends about this surgery because it was quite involved. Then they left for Detroit.

I remember dropping down on our bed in shock after the phone call that Cheryl had not made it through the surgery. My husband cradled me in his arms as we both wept hard tears. Cheryl’s dad was my husband’s best friend growing up and his best man at our wedding. We had shared so many things together as young families. This was unbelievable.

Less than a week later we were doing something we had never wanted to do—go to a baby’s funeral. As we walked into our church the sight that met my eyes became etched on my mind forever. At the front was a tiny white casket with our friends’ beautiful daughter inside. Her red hair was even brighter against the white silk pillow where she lay. Her tiny little hands were still curled in that baby-like half-opened position, but her gorgeous smile was gone

As I backed up from the casket I was immediately surrounded with a waterfall of color. It was the largest floral display I had ever seen. Blues, yellows, purples, greens. and every other color of the rainbow brought to mind the colorful baby toys I had remembered Cheryl playing with just a few days before. I was speechless and began crying like it would never stop.

As we took our seats for the funeral to begin, a new and disturbing thought grabbed hold of me. After this funeral was over I would go home to a beautiful, healthy baby boy and our friends would go home to an empty house. I began to shake so hard my husband had to put his arm around me to calm me. Why would God let this happen? How does He choose? What will life be like for our friends? Would our relationship ever be the same again?

God did give our friends peace about Cheryl. They were strong believers and realized God had a plan and even if the outcome wasn’t what they had planned, it was HIS plan for them. That took amazing strength and the peace that only God can give.

We continued to raise our baby boy and had three more children. Our friends eventually had three more children, too. Our relationship only grew closer over the years and then they moved down south. When we visited, it was like we’d never parted.

They were witnesses to me that God’s plans are not our plans. We can grow stronger as God places these experiences in our pathway if we yield to His ways and will. Going through this with our friends helped prepare me for what God had in mind for our family down the road.
Isaiah 55:8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your
ways My ways,” says the LORD.

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