Tuesday, June 14, 2011

God With Flesh On – The James Sequence

“But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.” James 3:17

If you’re like me, you have plenty of friends who are willing to offer advice about any aspect of your life. They may be good friends and have genuine intentions, but is their wisdom and advice purely from a godly viewpoint or just what they would do in your circumstances?

Critical times in your life are when you need someone to give you advice that is truly God-centered. This is advice from someone who prays for you, knows your heart and wants God’s best for you. That’s why it’s important that you develop close relationships with Christ-centered believers early in your life. I know this for a fact. I’ve had two prayer warriors in my life for over 40 years!

When going through a crisis or painful time in your life, sometimes you are unable to make decisions on your own. It’s hard enough just to motivate yourself to get out of bed, get dressed, eat, and live. I can speak from experience about this. When my husband died five years ago in the month of June, I was stunned. Unexpectedly, he passed from living one day to heaven the next. How was I to keep going on alone after 40 years of marriage? He was the only one I’d dated, the only one I ever cared for. How could this be God’s plan for my life?

Through those rough, awful days of the funeral I knew two ladies specifically were praying for me. They didn’t need to know details about anything, they just prayed full-time for my needs and for God to give me strength. I felt it. I experienced it in dramatic ways. I can’t explain what all happened during that time, but when I needed someone to talk to, they were there. They mostly listened but when they did offer advice I knew they had already prayed about what to say to me. It wasn’t frivolous stuff like my unsaved friends and relatives were offering. It was solid, Bible-based instruction on how to go on with life. How God would provide for me through His servants. How God had a plan for me, too. Oh, I didn’t know how to believe that at the moment, but they did and they prayed over me and with me. It was my salvation through those very, very tough days. They were God with flesh on for me.

Today, they’re still praying! They ask me all the time how I’m doing. They write me encouraging emails and let me know that they want to know what to pray for. Isn’t that amazing? I’m amazed! Those two ladies have taught me so much about being a wise person who gives wise advice. Not to be frivolous in offering just any words, but words of encouragement, peace, and strength. I want to be that kind of wisdom seeker, don’t you?

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