Tuesday, June 7, 2011

If You Can’t Say Something Nice… – The James Sequence

Ever been punched in the gut? I’m told it hurts terribly! I’ve never had the physical punch but the verbal one hurts just as bad.

James tells us, “The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature…no man can tame the tongue! How true it is. The tongue, my tongue in particular, makes me look like a raging lunatic some days. Why is that? Why can’t I tame that little thing to do what I really want it to?

I have an active Facebook page and often I post about experiences I’ve been through. Like recently, when Dr. Jack Kevorkian died. If you aren’t aware of who he was, he had perfected a combination of drugs that, when administered correctly, would kill you. So people who wanted to die (usually because they were going through difficult diseases) injected themselves with this potion that killed them in a short amount of time.

Forty-four years ago I worked for Dr. Death, as he was called by his colleagues. He was the head of Pathology in the hospital I worked in. I was his stenographer in the morgue and also in the lab for biopsies he performed.

When he died recently, I posted the information and stated that I wasn’t too sad about it. Many of my friends commented about the fact that I’d worked for him. But one person posted this: “Jesus was sad.” Ugh! Ouch! Right in the gut! Why hadn’t I thought about what that little phrase would really mean? Of course Jesus was sad! He was sad that the doctor hadn’t chosen eternal life.

Have you ever felt like you needed to have a proofreader review everything you say so you don’t say something stupid? I sure do. Right when I think I have it all together, my mouth opens up and out comes something I immediately wish I could take back. Oh, help me!

James goes on to say that our tongues are full of iniquity…and it is unruly and full of poison. Precious Father, help me realize that what comes out should be a reflection of You! If I take that perspective, possibly, hopefully, I’ll gain some ground in this war of the tongue!

So consider your tongue to be your greatest asset or your biggest enemy, whichever fits. Pray that God will help you tame it into submission soon!

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