Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Recommendation Series – Yield to the Right Way

In Nancy Leigh DeMoss’ Bible study Lies Women Believe, she brings out a great truth about yielding. After discussing all the rights we claim we have or need to have today she makes this observation:

The fact is, successful relationships and healthy cultures are not built on the claiming of rights but on the yielding of rights. Even our traffic laws reflect this principle. You’ll never see a sign that says, “You have the right of way.” Instead, the signs instruct us to Yield the right of way. That is how traffic flows best; it is also how life works best.

We spend so much time placing sticks in the ground and claiming our rights to this cause or that cause or our own selfish rights that we never stop to consider yielding to the rights of others or to God. I’ve seen many relationships falter and fail because neither party was willing to give in or even consider what the other person needed.

In reality, as believers in Jesus Christ, we yielded all our rights when we became servants of the Most High. We supposedly gave up the selfish desires of our flesh and all that it contains to follow the Living Lord. But did we really?

Some may think the idea of motherhood means giving up everything you want because you have kids. So? What could be more important than raising a bunch of really great kids and loving it? If that’s God’s plan for you, then do it with all your heart. God will give you everything in abundance—including all the love you can handle, more hugs than anybody deserves, and a fulfilled heart’s desire. Where’s the selfishness in that? You’ve yielded your life’s plan to God’s perfect plan for you. There will never be a better way than that to live your life.

I’m not sure what you need to yield today but if it’s your selfish will, then get off your high horse and get down on your knees right now and turn those things over to Christ. If it’s your comfort, your wealth, your relationship with your husband or wife, or whatever it is, give it up. Yield it to God’s plan, not your selfish way. Take yourself out of the picture and see how yielding to God can give you abundant life!

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