Monday, March 7, 2011

Does the Boogie Man Rule in Your House? (part 3)

The last part of Paul’s reminder to Timothy says that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of sound mind or self-control. In Greek these words mean that you’re of sober mind, prudent, or that you use discretion. How does that apply to you today, right now?

It means that you are not easily swayed to believe in opposition to what God wants for us. You are able to stay focused on how to dispel fear with God’s power and love because your mind is geared to follow His leading. This played out for Timothy when he was able to stand his ground and be unafraid to preach the truth of the Gospels to churches. He lacked the fear Satan tried to instill in him. This was a great accomplishment for Timothy because it helped him to stand after Paul was martyred for his faith.

Let me apply this to life today. Do we have the stamina to stand like Timothy did? Are we able to look forward to the future with a positive attitude because of God’s power working in and through us? Can we love like God loves because we know Him intimately from His Word? Can we step out in faith toward new projects, ministries, and adventures for God and not be swayed by Satan’s attacks or how he makes us question our abilities?

Oh, that’s so powerful! I’m telling you that YOU have the POWER to do works for God that you never imagined. You can conquer your fear of ALL things through the power of the Holy Spirit that works and lives and breathes within you. On top of all of that, you can realize your full potential God has planned for you in conquering your fears. Oh, how HE wants that for you.

So don’t let fear steal your blessings. Give the Boogie Man the boot! Say, “See ya. Wouldn’t want to be ya!” Do whatever it takes for you to get him out of your life! I’m telling you that your life will take an immediate change from timidity to tall tales of adventures when you put God in charge. You’ll see things you never saw before. You’ll feel life like it’s brand new and you’ll realize what you’ve been missing all these years. Open the door of your heart to let God do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think! Get ready to be amazed!

1 comment:

Patricia Townsend said...

Fear is a potent motivator but it rarely if ever motivates us in a positive direction. So many times that fear is what stops us from stepping out and doing exactly as we know God would have us do... fear of failure, fear of what others will believe & say about us, fear that maybe we aren't hearing the right voice. Fear has to go and be replaced with peace and a knowledge that God, our Heavenly Father desires only what is good for us.

Voice From The End of Town