Friday, November 30, 2012

The Comfort Series – #2 Your Dad and your Father

I’ve always looked up to my dad. When I was growing up, he was a very tall, dark, and handsome man. In his prime, he was around 6’2” and 180 pounds. He was the strong, silent type. He never stayed mad long. He persevered through his life and found some pleasures to enjoy along the way.

Now, he is a little bent-over 88-year-old man of about 5’11” with a much weaker voice than I remember. He’s more compliant and doesn’t want to make a ruckus. I still look up to him—in more ways than one.
In Crazy Love by Francis Chan, he talks about God’s constant love for us as our Father. I always knew my own dad loved me, but I don’t remember hearing the words very often. Now, he tells me often that he loves me because he knows his time is fleeting.

God has told me He loves me every day of my life. He’s never stopped, never grown tired of me not responding or never telling him those same words in return. He’s been patient, caring, merciful, and given me more grace then I deserve.

So what’s the difference between these two fathers? In my small finite mind, I believe the difference is love. God has told me from my conception that He loves me. In Psalm 139 He tells me He knew me when I was being formed inside my mother. He has loved me through my youth, teens, and young adult years when my decisions may not have pleased my earthly father. God has loved me without fail and has continued to love me unconditionally all 64 years of my life.

My earthly father loves me, but as with all humans, that conditional part comes into play a lot. I’m sure he had dreams for me, but I haven’t been known to conform. I’m sure I’ve disappointed him in some ways. Striking out on my own even as a young child, I would often just do my own thing and not stick to the rules too much. God loved me even through those times.

It’s great to have the love of two fathers—even if that love has been different through the years. I appreciate both of them and know that my heavenly Father has the greater plan for my life, the beginning and the end both within His sight. I look up to both of my fathers with respect, praise, and thanksgiving. 

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