Friday, February 14, 2014

Things TO BE before I Die Countdown #4 Be Aggressive In My Witness

One of the first verses of Scripture that influenced me to witness was Mark chapter sixteen verse fifteen: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” I distinctly remember the preacher looking straight at me when he quoted that verse! How did he know I was struggling in this area? How was he so sure I needed to hear that verse that night?

That was 37 years ago; today this Scripture still speaks to me with a pointing finger. The Holy Spirit always convicts me when I’ve missed another opportunity to talk to someone about my God. Don’t believe for one minute that just because I’m a ministry leader and an older Christian that I do everything right all the time. I don’t! I fail in this area—maybe just like you.

As a children’s minister and conference speaker it is easy for me to stand before a group of people and proclaim who my God is and all his power and majesty. I live my life as a true believer and I am not ashamed to speak of Him wherever I am. But if I’m in a hurry and need to rush through the grocery line, I don’t usually see the cashier who is hurting or the bank teller who needs five minutes of my listening ear. After all, I’m in a hurry! Right? Ugh, failed again.

I’m reminded of something Uncle Charlie told me one day. He was boarding a plane and walking up a steep loading staircase when the guy in front of him tripped. This person shouted out God’s name in vain. Uncle Charlie calmly said, “Oh, you know my Father, too?” That’s how brave I want to be. Maybe even to the point of being brazen!

Over the years I’ve been told many excuses by people of all ages why they don’t witness. Some believe it makes them religious extremists while others believe that religion is a personal thing, not to be flaunted. I think those are just excuses like mine. I believe God wants us to be available and willing to be used as witnesses for Him in the grocery store, the bank, our offices—wherever the opportunity presents itself.

Go into ALL the world and PREACH the Gospel to EVERY creature—sounds like He’s talking to me…again.
 #3 Be a better student of the Scriptures.
#4Be aggressive in my witness.
 #5 Be wise.
 #6 Be less concerned about jobs and busyness and more concerned about others.
 #7 Be a better listener.
#8 Be more Mercy-filled.
#9 Be able to be broken for Christ.
#10 Be a sacrifice with my life, talents and gifts.

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